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OUCC (Guelph) - co-presented with Bruce on Toilet Tank and MinUWet.

CanHEIT (Halifax) - presented alone on Toilet Tank and MinUWet.  A written version can be found here.

Others indicate our wireless is done well - many people were interested in following our lead.  

An exciting opportunity is eduroam, which will allow users of other institutions to connect to our wireless network without requiring UW credentials.  And of course they would reciprocate for our users at the other institutions.  Eduroam is already popular in Europe, but it is also growing elsewhere.


Private Subnets

Each engineering department has been assigned a private address space subnet.  We have not yet created a formula for vlan tags so we can avoid collisions with others.


Engineering Vision 2010

After a period of reflection and planning, the Faculty of Engineering has completed its Vision 2010 plan.  The computing portion of the plan sets three priorities: