Engineering United Way Mystery Item Silent Auction

Welcome! This is the ninth year of our Mystery Item Silent Auction - we hope you have fun and please be generous as all proceeds will go to the United Way

Please see the rules below and make sure to keep checking this page for new items and once bidding begins, to see if you are still the top bidder on your item!


  1. Bidding on any item starts on Monday, September 30th and will continue until noon on Thursday, October 24th.
  2. To place a bid - e-mail Karen ( with the item name and amount you wish to bid
  3. Bid on as many things as you want as many times as you want
  4. Feel free to come and view the items any time Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in E7 7308. Note, it's best to contact me or checking my calendar before popping over as I may be in meetings.
  5. Bids will be taken in the order of date stamp on the e-mail received - note, if you are impatient, you could outbid yourself - the latest highest amount will be taken
  6. E-mail bids will not receive an acknowledgement return e-mail - please refresh web page to see your updated bids (I'm hoping there are way too many of you e-mailing me!)
  7. Bids must be made in minimum increments of $1, but there is no maximum amounts to a bid (please no cents - whole numbers only)
  8. You are responsible for monitoring any items that you are bidding on, you will not be notified if you are outbid on an item
  9. Items must be paid for before they can be taken and unwrapped
  10. I'm only one person and will be updating the bids as fast as possible
  11. Have fun!

A HUGE thank you to all of our donators:

Gosia Brestovacki Kari Griffiths Jen Skinner Dave Walsh  
Beth Cotter Leilei Li Jenn Snoddon Mary Wells  
Karen Dubois Megan Brush Strokes Stronger Forever Alison Zorian  
Engineering Advancement Molly Bloom's Jack Truong    
Engineering Outreach Melissa Moogk-Soulis Thomas Sugarbush    

Updated October 25, 2024 3:35 PM

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Item Code

Item A

Item B

Item C

Hint Keeping your neck beautiful and warm A true taste of Ireland! Custom order to be hung by the Chimney with Care!

Min First Bid

$20 $25 $25
  Beth Cotter $20 Alison Zorian $25 Jennifer Moll $25
  Tracy Williams $25 Jennifer Moll $27 Keanu Daire $26
      Kristen Deckert $30    
      Guillermo Gomez $31    
      Tim Weber-Kraljevski $33    
      Alison Zorian $35    







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Item Code

Item D

Item E

Item F

Try a daily taste of England! No Muggles allowed for this countdown! Can you Escape?
Min First Bid
$14 $13 $10
  Alison Zorian $14 Diana McGaughey $13 Beth Cotter $10
  Cheryl Newton $15 Sophie Nasato $15 Jenn Coggan $12
  Alison Zorian $16 Diana McGaughey $16 Jen Skinner $14
  Jennifer Moll $17     Veronica Michael $15
  Cheryl Newton $18     Nicole Schmidt $16
  Alison Zorian $20     Jenn Coggan $17
          Janine Blair $20
          Leilei Li $21


Item Code

Item Code

Item G

Item H

Item I

It can charge stuff and light the way! Sweet treats just the way you like them! The discount is great for the kid,
but early registration is the real prize!
Min First Bid
$25 $25 $25
  Jennifer Moll $25 Alison Zorian $25 Diana McGaughey $25
  Tim Weber-Kraljevski $27 Robin Jardin $26 Nicole Schmidt $30
      Veronica Michael $27 Cheryl Newton $31
      Shirley Springall $28 Diana McGaughey $32
      Kristen Deckert $30 Leilei Li $35
          Veronica Michael $40
          Diana McGaughey $50


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Item Code

Item J
Item K
Item L
Early registration and discount for the kiddo! Gorgeous UW Original Art - Framed Gorgeous UW Original Art - No frame needed
Min First Bid
$25 $30 $20
  Veronica Michael $25 Michelle Coulombe $30 Jennifer Moll $20
  Nicole Schmidt $30 Veronica Michael $31 Samantha St. Amand $22
  Leilei Li $40 Shirley Springall $32 Jen Skinner $24
  Diana McGaughey $42 Michelle Coulombe $35 Tim Weber-Kraljevski $26
  Leilei Li $43 Shirley Springall $36 Jen Skinner $28
  Diana McGaughey $50        


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Item Code

Item M
Item N
Item O
Perfect for an amazing friend game night! Stylin H2O The perfect Winter Combo! So cozy!
Min First Bid
$10 $8 $20
  Michelle Coulombe $10 Donna Kellendonk $8 Lisa Liu $20
  Jennifer Moll $12 Martha Foulds $9    
  Martha Foulds $14 Cheryl Newton $10    
  Michelle Coulombe $17 Martha Foulds $11    
  Sarah Feeney $18        


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Item Code

Item P
Item Q
Item R
Self care kit! From an Unusual perspective Such a clever pack for your laptop!
Min First Bid
$60 $11 $20
  Cheryl Newton $60 Jennifer Moll $11 Jennifer Moll $20
  Martha Foulds $62 Roger Sanderson $12 Donna Kellendonk $22
  Cheryl Newton $63     Margaret O'Neill $25
  Shirley Springall $64     Hon Tam $30
  Martha Foulds $75     Janine Blair $35
          Hon Tam $40


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Item Code

Item S
Item T
Item U
Only the softest materials and colours for your neck! Mystery Day trip for unlimited people - pets included! Outdoor party pack!
You need to supply the wine.
Min First Bid
$30 $35 $15
  Beth Cotter $30 Michelle Coulombe $35 Jennifer Moll $15
  Tracy Williams $33 Diana McGaughey $36    
      Martha Foulds $37    
      Jen Skinner $38    
      Robin Jardin $40    
      Veronica Michael $41    
      Roger Sanderson $42    
      Janine Blair $45    
      Diana McGaughey $46    
      Christina McDougall $47    


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Item Code

Item V
Item W
Item X
Help your mind focus while your fingers dance Fun finger play! Can't put this down!
Min First Bid
$2 $2 $2
  Cheryl Newton $2 Jenn Coggan $2 Martha Foulds $2
  Tim Weber-Kraljevski $4 Michelle Coulombe $5 Shirley Springall $3
  Alison Zorian $5        


Item Photo

Item Code

Item Y Item Z Item AA
Wearable Engineering Swag to take you outside!
Choose your style and size!
Midday Finger Makeover Surprise Secret Nail Shine & Glow
Min First Bid
$50 $10 $10

Keanu Daire

$50 Beth Cotter $15 Jennifer Moll $10
  David Clausi $60        


Item Photo

Item Code

Item BB Item CC Item DD
The Lunchtime Finger Glow-Up Over lunch hand pampering! Chocolate Tempations
Min First Bid
$10 $10 $10
  Beth Cotter $10 Jennifer Moll $10 Jennifer Moll $10
  Veronica Michael $11 Samantha St. Amand $12 Martha Foulds $12
          Samantha St. Amand $14

Keanu Daire

          Martha Foulds $16
          Roger Sanderson $17
          Keanu Daire $18


Item Photo

Item Code

Item EE Item FF Item GG

Let the experts help you build strength and endurance!

You just need to add the wine! Perfect travel pack! You've got this in the bag!
Min First Bid
$90 $10 $20
  Beth Cotter $90 Tracy Williams $10 Samantha St. Amand $20
      Sophie Nasato $12    




Item Photo

Item Code

Item HH Item II Item JJ
Tote in Style Perfect thing for Family Pancakes! So sweet and sticky!
Min First Bid
$13 $9 $3
  Jen Skinner $13 Samantha St. Amand $9 Samantha St. Amand $3
  Shirley Springall $14 Robin Jardin $10 Cheryl Newton $4
      Veronica Michael $11

Keanu Daire

      Donna Kellendonk $12 Cheryl Newton $6
      Diana McGaughey $13    
      Sarah Feeney $14    
      Donna Kellendonk $15    
      Diana McGaughey $16    




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Item Code

Item KK
Item LL

Item MM

Add to coffee? Add coffee to it? Yes! Geese lining! That's fashion and function! Treat the Family to some Za!
Min First Bid
$4 $30 $10
  Cheryl Newton $4 Jen Skinner $30 Beth Cotter $10
  Martha Foulds $5     Sophie Nasato $11
  Cheryl Newton $6     Janine Blair $15
  Roger Sanderson $7     Tim Weber-Kraljevski $17
  Donna Kellendonk $8        
  Sarah Feeney $10        




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Item Code

Item NN
Item OO

Item PP

Feed the hot cheesy goodness craving!    
Min First Bid
  Beth Cotter $10        
  Sophie Nasato $11        
  Lisa McAughey $12        
  Janine Blair $15        




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Item Code

Item QQ
Item RR

Item SS

Min First Bid




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Item TT
Item UU

Item VV

Min First Bid



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Item WW
Item XX

Item YY

Min First Bid




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Item Code

Item ZZ
Item AAA

Item BBB

Min First Bid