Hey fellow 1B Engineers! My name is Jin and I am speaking to you on behalf of the organizers of MXEng: Most eXtreme Engineering.


MXEng is an event we are holding on the day of Student Life 101 where teams from each engineering discipline will compete head-to-head in a design competition (to be revealed at a later date). This is an opportunity for your class to really show the Faculty and the Frosh who’s the best. More importantly, it’s a chance for the Frosh to see how much fun we, engineers, have. They will be able to ask any questions which may still be lingering in their heads as they enter what is to be an unforgettable 1A term.


We need a group of 8-10 willing and enthusiastic students from each discipline who would like to participate in this good old-fashioned design competition. At any given point, 6 students will be helping out in the task solution and 2-4 students will be off to the side taking a breather and any inquiries the timid Frosh might have.


Date: July 23, 2005 at Student Life 101

Time: Competition runs from 9:30AM to 1:30PM (participants will be required to arrive by 9AM)

Location: B2 Green – between SLC, Bio and MC

Purpose: To answer questions from incoming Frosh and to prove your class defines the essence of Engineering at Waterloo

Incentive for you: Prizes to be announced later; chance to show your class can outdo Systems in something ;p


Any questions can be brought to me at e23lee@engmail.uwaterloo.ca or to my Co-Director, Ian Chow, at ichow@engmail.uwaterloo.ca. Please let us know if you would like to represent your discipline by Friday, July 8th, 2005 at 11:59PM.