Engineering Departmental Moves


More cabling done for System Design renovations on the fisrt floor of E2. The TR E2-1374A has been ZANIed. WEEF Lab. E2-1310 has been gutted for renovations. Room will be recabled and additional computers addded to bring the room up to 140 workstations. Excpected completion date September 10th.


Engineering Machine room move to E5


Completed and Alarmed. Numerous servers moved over.

DHCP conversion and IP cleanup


Ongoing. Most of EIT has been converted to using DHCP, 4 still remain. ERC has a new user-client vlan and machines are starting to be moved over.


Engineering 10 Gig Fibre Upgrades


Ongoing. E5 is now directly connected to the main UW routers and not the E2 Engineering router.