Engineering Systems Administrator Group

Minutes January 11, 2001

Prepared by Erick Engelke




Waterloo Polaris Advisory Group

A new Engineering representative was to be chosen now that Dennis's term has ended. Bernie volunteered and was elected.

Asbestos in CPH

There was agreement on installing cable trays where possible, and having conduits run through three areas of asbestos.

CFI Update

Martin presented a spreadsheet detailing CFI spending to date and budgets. We have approximately $20k to $30k left for this year of the project ending in April. We agreed to use this money to finish conduit work, trays, closets, and cabling. In May we will start orderring the remaining switches for the third year portion of the budget.

Computer Security Document

Steve Hitchman raised the topic of Reg Quinten's proposed security draft. There was some discussion of what it hopes to accomplish. The document is still only a draft, we will wait for a more finalized version before reacting.

New EC Password Strength Rules

A small percentage of the user population have difficulty with the new password strength rules. Bruce agreed to create an exception file with relaxed rules. Inclusion of individuals in the relaxed rule file will be at the discretion of departmental system administrators.

Active Directory and W2K Update

Erick described the status of the campus Active Directory project and the Polaris AD. We are deploying the Polaris AD for the Lever 2000 lab, for Management Science's W2K Terminal Server, and for projects in other faculties. As we feel more comfortable with the security and reliability, we will migrate more office users to the Polaris AD and W2K. If reliability is good, Bruce and Erick hope to move the entire UW Polaris password system to the Polaris AD by the start of next term.

All Engineering departments are to join so this domain will serve the faculty as a whole (as well as the other faculties). Some technical questions and answers were given regarding how current stand-alone systems can be integrated.