New papers: Hyperopt and Skdata at SciPy 2013

12 May 2013 - Waterloo ON

I had the honor of presenting my Hyperopt and Skdata projects at Scipy2013 this year. The presentations were on filmed, and now they are up on youtube:

While I was at the Rowland Institute. David Cox encouraged me to pursue my goal of creating software to study computer vision algorithm spaces; Hyperopt and Skdata are two reusable Python libraries that came out of that. Hyperopt is a generic optimization framework for the sort of awkward search spaces that algorithm hyperparameters present. Skdata is a library of Python scripts for dealing with various benchmarking data sets, and for running correct, standard algorithm evaluation experiments on those data sets. More specialized software such as hyperopt-convnet uses hyperopt and skdata to run experiments on the generic image classification model that we presented at ICML 2013, and the workshop on representation learning

J. Bergstra, D. Yamins, D. D. Cox (2013).
Hyperopt: A Python Library for Optimizing the Hyperparameters of Machine Learning Algorithms.
Proc. SciPy 2013.

J. Bergstra, N. Pinto, D. D. Cox (2013).
Skdata: Data Sets and Algorithm Evaluation Protocols in Python.
Proc. SciPy 2013.