Stanko (Stan) B. Dimitrov P.Eng., PhD


Department of Management Sciences

University of Waterloo

200 University Avenue West

Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1

P: +1 519 888 4567 ext. 48966

F: +1 519 746 7252

[my first initial][my last name]

Founder and Director of the Business Data Analytics Lab


My research lies at the interface of operations research and information systems. I look at problems in information aggregation, telecommunications, operations management, and production analysis using non-linear and linear optimization, game theory, and statistics. If you have any questions about any of the work listed, then please contact me. Following Tri-agency policy, I have recent papers publicly available on the University of Waterloo paper repository. You can find more information about my publications on my Google Scholar profile.

Journal Publications

  1. Garros Gong, Stanko Dimitrov, Michael R. Bartolacci. Digital Strategies in Wildfire Management: Social Media Analytics and Web 3.0 Integration, Discover Sustainability, to appear.
  2. Régis Y. Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, Shoude Li. Ecological Economics and Dynamic Games: A Systematic Literature Review, International Game Theory Review, to appear. journal page
  3. Ali AbdulHussein, Brian Cozzarin, Stanko Dimitrov. Demographic analysis of online grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic: a theoretical perspective with an expanded technology acceptance model. Cogent Business & Management, to appear. journal page.
  4. Régis Y. Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov. From waste to wealth: Policies to promote the circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024; 443:141086. journal page.
  5. Ali AbdulHussein, Zahid Ahmad Butt, Stanko Dimitrov, Brian Cozzarin. Factors Associated With Worsened Mental Health of Health Care Workers in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 2024; 13:e50064. jornal page.
  6. Régis Y. Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov. Utility foundation of a Cobb-Douglas demand function with more than two attributes, consumer surplus and social welfare computation. Applied Economics, to appear. jornal page.
  7. Stanko Dimitrov, Régis Y. Chenavaz, Octavio Escobar. Accounting for Climate when Determining the Impact of Weather on Retail Sales. Businesses, 2023; 3(3):489-506. jornal page.
  8. Régis Y. Chenavaz, Alexandra Couston, Stéphanie Heichelbech, Isabelle Pignatel, Stanko Dimitrov. Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda. Sustainability, 2023; 15(11):8849. jornal page.
  9. Majid Karimi, Stanko Dimitrov. To Subsidize Or Not To Subsidize: A Comparison of Market Scoring Rules and Continuous Double Auctions for Price Discovery. Information Systems Frontiers, to appear. jornal page.
  10. Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, Erica Rustico. Green Veblen Effect: Sustainability in Pollution Management. Financial Innovation, 2022, 8(1):41. jornal page.
  11. Jingjing Long, Cuiqing Jiang, Stanko Dimitrov, Zhao Wang. Clues from networks: quantifying relational risk for credit risk evaluation of SMEs. Journal of Cleaner Product, 2023, 339:136624. jornal page. (open access)
  12. Ali AbdulHussein, Brian Cozzarin, Stanko Dimitrov. Changes in consumer spending behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic across product categories. Electronic Commerce Research, to appear. jornal page.
  13. Vishvesh Shah, Stanko Dimitrov. A comparative study of univariate time-series methods for sales forecasting. International Journal of Business and Data Analytics, 2022, 2(2):187-216. jornal page.
  14. Frank Figge, Stan Dimitrov, Rainer Schlosser, Régis Chenavaz. Does the circular economy fuel the throwaway society? The role of opportunity costs for aging products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 368:133207. journal page (open access).
  15. Erica Rustico, Stanko Dimitrov. Environmental taxation: The impact of carbon tax policy commitment on technology choice and social welfare. International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, 243:108328. journal page.
  16. Nicolas Huck, Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov. Psychological Prices at Retail Gasoline Stations: The Policies of 0-, 5-, and 9-Ending Prices. Applied Economics, 2021, 53(48):5584-5598. journal page.
  17. Stanko Dimitrov, Brian Cozzarin. Impact of Intellectual Capital on Small-Firm Growth: A Longitudinal Study from Inc. 5000. Small Enterprise Research, 2021, 28(2):95-114. journal page.
  18. Rainer Schlosser, Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov. Circular Economy: Dynamic Pricing and Recycling Policies. International Journal of Production Economics, June 2021, 236. journal page.
  19. Stanko Dimitrov, Brian Cozzarin. E-Banking and Consumer Debt. International Journal of Electronic Banking, 2021, 3(1):27-38. journal page.
  20. Hossein Khosroshahi, Stanko Dimitrov, S.Reza Hejazi. Pricing, greening, and transparency decisions considering the impact of government subsidies and CSR behavior in supply chain decisions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, May 2021, 60. journal page.
  21. Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, Frank Figge. When Does Eco-Efficiency Rebound or Backfire? An Analytical Model. European Journal of Operational Research, April 2021, 290(2):687–700. journal page.
  22. Yaser Abolghasemi, Stanko Dimitrov. Determining the causality between U.S. presidential prediction markets and global financial markets. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2021, 26(3):4534-4556. journal page.
  23. Daao Wang, Stanko Dimitrov, Lirong Jian. Optimal Inventory decisions for a Risk-Averse Retailer when Offering Layaway. European Journal of Operational Research, July 2020, 284(1):108-120 journal page.
  24. Brian Cozzarin, Stanko Dimitrov, Bonwoo Koo. Organisational Change in the Innovating Firm: Size, R&D and Sector Effects. International Journal of Innovation Management, June 2020, 24(5) journal page.
  25. Ehsan Haghi, Hamidreza Shamsi, Stanko Dimitrov, Michael Fowler, Kaamran Raahemifar. Assessing the potential of fuel cell-powered and battery-powered forklifts for reducing GHG emissions using clean surplus power; a game theory approach. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020 journal page.
  26. Stanko Dimitrov, Oben Ceryan. Optimal Inventory Decisions when Offering Layaway. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 57(4):1161-117. pdf journal page
  27. Chen Di, Stanko Dimitrov, Qi-Ming He. Incentive Compatibility in Prediction Markets: Costly Actions and External Incentives. International Journal of Forecasting, January–March 2019, 35(1):351–370. journal page
  28. Jenyi Chen, Stanko Dimitrov, Hubert Pun. The Impact of Government Subsidy on Supply Chains’ Sustainability Innovation. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, July 2019, 86:42–58. journal page
  29. Arthur Carvalho, Stanko Dimitrov, Kate Larson. On Proper Scoring Rules and Cumulative Prospect Theory. EURO Journal on Decision Processes, 2018, 6(3–4):343–376. journal page
  30. Jiaxin Liu, Stanko Dimitrov. Open Shortest Path First Routing under Random Early Detection. Networks, 2018, 71(2):120-135. pdf; journal page
  31. Majid Karimi, Stanko Dimitrov. On the Road to Making Science of "Art": Risk Bias in Market Scoring Rules. Decision Analysis, 2018, 15(2):72-89. (INFORMS Decision Analysis Society Student Paper Finalist 2017) pdf
  32. Michael Bartolacci, Stanko Dimitrov. Promoting Resiliency in Emergency Communication Networks: A Network Interdiction Stylized Initial Case Study Model of a Miami-Dade County Network. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 2017, 9(1):1-10. pdf
  33. Jenyi Chen, Stanko Dimitrov. Eco-Innovation with Opportunity of Licensing and Threat of Imitation. Journal of Cleaner Production, March 2017, 147:306-318. pdf
  34. Xiaopeng Yang, Stanko Dimitrov. Data Envelopment Analysis may Obfuscate Corporate Financial Data: Using Support Vector Machine and Data Envelopment Analysis to Predict Corporate Failure for Nonmanufacturing Firms. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 2017, 55(4):295–311. pdf
  35. Lifei Jiang, Stanko Dimitrov, Benny Mantin. P2P marketplaces and retailing in the presence of consumers' valuation uncertainty. Production and Operations Management, March 2017, 26(3):509–524. pdf
  36. Arthur Carvalho, Stanko Dimitrov, Kate Larson. Inducing Honest Reporting of Private Information in the Presence of Social Projection. Decision, January 2017, 4(1):25–51. pdf
  37. Arthur Carvalho, Stanko Dimitrov, Kate Larson. How Many Crowdsourced Workers Should a Requester Hire? Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, September 2016, 78(1):45-72. pdf
  38. Brian P. Cozzarin, Stanko Dimitrov. Mobile Commerce and Device Specific Perceived Risk. Electronic Commerce Research, September 2016, 16(3):335-354. pdf
  39. Andrew Brown, Stanko Dimitrov, Ada Barlatt. Routing Distributions and their Impact on Dispatch Rules. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 88, October 2015, 293-306. pdf
  40. Stanko Dimitrov, Rahul Sami, Marina Epelman. Subsidized Prediction Markets for Risk Averse Agents. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 3(4), July 2015. pdf
  41. Stanko Dimitrov. Comparing Data Envelopment Analysis and Human Decision Making Unit Rankings: A Survey Approach. Economic Quality Control, 29(2), Jaunary 2015, 129-141. pdf
  42. Lin Yang, Stanko Dimitrov, Benny Mantin. Forecasting Sales of New Virtual Goods with the Elo Rating System. Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management, 13(6), October 2014, 457–469. pdf
  43. Nedialko B. Dimitrov, Stanko Dimitrov, Stefanka Chukova. Robust decomposable Markov decision processes motivated by allocating school budgets, European Journal of Operational Research, 239(1), 2014, 199 - 213. pdf
  44. Jenyi Chen, Stanko Dimitrov. National and Store Brand Advertising Strategies. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(8), August 2015, 1237-1249. pdf
  45. Warren Sutton, Stanko Dimitrov. The U.S. Navy Explores Detailing Cost Reduction via Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 227 (1), May 2013, 166–173. pdf
  46. Stanko Dimitrov, Warren Sutton. Generalized Symmetric Weight Assignment Technique: Incorporating Managerial Preferences in Data Envelopment Analysis Using a Penalty Function. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, 41 (1), January 2013, 48-54. pdf
  47. Yiling Chen, Stanko Dimitrov, Rahul Sami, Daniel M. Reeves, David M. Pennock, Robin D. Hanson, Lance Fortnow, Rica Gonen. Gaming Prediction Markets: Equilibrium Strategies with a Market Maker. Algorithmica, 58 (4), December 2010, 930-969. pdf
  48. Stanko Dimitrov, Warren Sutton. Promoting Symmetric Weight Selection in Data Envelopment Analysis: A Penalty Function Approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 200 (1), January 2010, 281–288. pdf

Conference Publications

  1. Abbas Attarwala, Stanko Dimitrov, Amer Obeidi. How efficient is Twitter: Predicting 2012 U.S. presidential elections using Support Vector Machine via Twitter and comparing against Iowa electronics market. Intelligent Systems Conference 2017 (IntelliSys), September 2017. pdf
  2. Michael Bartolacci, Stanko Dimitrov, Larry LeBlanc. Promoting Resiliency in Emergency Communication Networks: A Network Interdiction Modeling Approach. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50), January 2017. pdf
  3. Michael Bartolacci, Stanko Dimitrov. A Network Interdiction Perspective for Providing Emergency Communications: An Analysis for Promoting Resiliency Subject to Resource Constraints and Security Concerns. Proceedings of the 2016 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), May 2016. pdf
  4. Ruiqi Yan, Brian Cozzarin, Stanko Dimitrov. Mobile Device Access: Effect on Online Purchases. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2015, April 2015. pdf
  5. Arthur Carvalho, Stanko Dimitrov and Kate Larson. A Study on the Influence of the Number of MTurkers on the Quality of the Aggregate Output. EUMAS 2014, 12th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, December 2014. pdf
  6. Stanko Dimitrov, Rahul Sami. Composition of Markets with Conflicting Incentives. ACM Electronic Commerce, June 2010. pdf
  7. Stanko Dimitrov, Rahul Sami, Marina Epelman.  Subsidized Prediction Markets for Risk Averse Traders.  WINE'09, the fifth Workshop on Internet & Network Economics, December 2009. pdf
  8. Stanko Dimitrov, P. Krishnan, Colin Mallows, Jean Meloche, and Shalini Yajnik. r3: Resilient Random Regular Graphs. 22nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), September 2008. pdf
  9. Stanko Dimitrov, Rahul Sami. Non-myopic Strategies in Prediction Markets. ACM Electronic Commerce, July 2008 (preliminary version of this paper appeared in Second Workshop on Prediction Markets ACM Electronic Commerce, June 2007). pdf
  10. Amardeep Grewal, Timothy Allison, Stanko Dimitrov, Dragomir R. Radev. Multi-document summarization using off the shelf compression software. HLT-NAACL Workshop on Text Summarization. Edmonton, Canada, May 2003. pdf

Working Papers and Papers in Reivew

  • The Impact of Online Banking. Joint work with Brian Cozzarin
  • Statistical Methods for Evaluating DEA models. Joint work with Abbas Attarwala and Amer Obeidi
  • Evaluating models of efficiency and effectiveness for charitable organizations. Joint work with Abbas Attarwala
  • Sustainable supply chains: greening and transparency. Joint work with Hossein Khosroshahi, Morteza Rasti-Barzoki, Seyed Reza Hejazi

Potential Graduate Students

If funding is available, I tend to accept one graduate student per academic year. If you are a student residing in North America, then please feel free to reach out to me by email. Unfortunately, I am not able to respond to all requests in terms of their compatibility with my research program. However, I encourage interested students to apply to graduate studies in the Department of Management Sciences. If you are particularly interested in working with me, then please complete this online assessment.



  • MSCI 724: Information Procurement Mechanisms
    • Short overview of game theory
    • Review fundamental methods for information elicitation
    • Students prepare and present original research work on topic related to game theory or information elicitation


  • MSCI 555: Scheduling: Theory & Practice
    • Review the theory of deterministic scheduling and an overview of stochastic scheduling
    • Students apply insights to a real-world project via a term project
  • MSCI 436: Decision Support Systems
    • Review the theory of decision making and decision support systems
    • Students implement two decision support systems: 1) through a series of programming assignments and 2) one of personal interest via term project
  • MSCI 445: Telecommunication Systems
    • Cover top four layer of the Internet protocol stack
    • Students apply knowledge in five programming assignments and a term project


Current Students


  • Professors
    • Shuchen Zhang (visiting November 2021 to November 2022, Associate Professor, School of Economic and Management, Harbin University of Science and Technology)
    • Lirong Jian (visiting March to April 2019, Professor, College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    • Cuiqing Jiang (visiting June to July 2018, Professor, School of Management, Hefei University of Technology)
  • PhD students
    • Zhichao Zhang (visiting August 2021-August 2022, PhD student Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    • Wei Chen (visiting November 2019-November 2020, PhD student Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    • Weiwei Pan (visiting March 2019-March 2020, PhD student Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    • Hossein Khosroshahi (visiting 2017-2018 Academic Year, PhD student Isfahan University of Technology)
    • Daao Wang (visiting 2017-2018 Academic Year and April-September 2019, PhD student Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Graduated Students



  • PhD (2010) University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering.
    • During my time in graduate school I had the pleasure of working with and being supervised by Marina Epelman and Rahul Sami.
  • MSE (2006) University of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering.
  • BSE (2004) University of Michigan, Computer Science.