Professor Armaghan Salehian received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering in February of 1997.
Upon receiving her degree, Armaghan started her first job as an oil and gas industrial equipment design engineer in June of 1997. She then started her Master studies in the fall of 1998 and subsequently received her Master of Science degree in 2000. Her research topic focused on development of inverse methods for estimation of heat conductance coefficients of gases inside rocket nozzles where direct measurements are not feasible.
In the fall of 2001, she moved to United States where she received her second Master of Science degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, MA. in 2003. Her research at WPI involved studying wave propagation in composite laminates as well as applications of theory of wavelets to detect delaminations in composite structures.
She then started her doctoral research in the fall of 2004 at the Center for Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (CIMSS) at Virginia Tech under the supervision of Professor Daniel J. Inman, George Goodson Professor. Her PhD research topic pertained to modeling, vibration, control and thermally induced oscillations of ultra-light, ultra-flexible space structures with repeated patterns. In the fall of 2007, she won an NSF-AdvanceVT postdoctoral Fellowship.
Finally, Armaghan joined the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Waterloo in April of 2008. Her research interests include modeling and control of thermal wrinkling of membrane satellite structures, magnetic energy harvesting applications, vibration control of inflatable satellite systems and homogenization methods.