Amer Obeidi

Dr. Amer Obeidi, PhD, P.Eng

Department of Management Sciences
University of Waterloo




Obeidi, A., Kilgour, D.M., and Hipel, K.W., “Perceptual Stability Analysis of a Graph Model System.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A, Humans and Systems, Vol. 39, No. 5: 993-1006, 2009.

Obeidi, A., Kilgour, D.M., and Hipel, K.W., “Perceptual Graph Model Systems.” Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 18, No. 3: pp. 261-277, 2009.

Hipel, K.W., Obeidi, A., Fang, L., and Kilgour, D.M., “Adaptive Systems Thinking in Integrated Water Resources Management with Insights into Conflicts over Water Exports.” INFOR, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 51-70, 2008. 

Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., “Turbulence in Miramichi Bay: The Burnt Church Conflict over Native Fishing Rights.” Journal of the American Water Resource Association, Vol. 42, No. 6: pp. 1629-1645, 2006.

Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., “The Role of Emotions in Envisioning Outcomes in Conflict Analysis.” Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 14, No. 6: pp. 481-500, 2005.

Hipel, K.W. and Obeidi, A., “Trade versus the Environment: Strategic Settlement from a Systems Engineering Perspective.” Systems Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3: pp. 211-233, 2005.

Obeidi, A. and Hipel, K.W., “Strategic and Dilemma Analyses of a Water Export Conflict.” INFOR, Vol. 43, No. 3: pp. 247-270, 2005.

Pries, F., Åstebro, T., and Obeidi, A., “Economic Analysis of R&D Projects: Real Option versus NPV Valuation Revisited.”   Les Nouvelles, Licensing Executive Society International, Vol. 38, No. 4: pp. 184-186, December 2003.

Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., “Canadian Bulk Water Export: Analyzing the Sun Belt Conflict Using the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution.” Journal of Knowledge, Technology and Policy, Vol. 14, No. 4: pp. 145-163, 2002.

Hipel, K.W., Obeidi, A., Fang, L., and Kilgour, D.M., “Sustainable Environmental Management from a System of  Systems Perspective”, In System of Systems Engineering: Innovations for the 21st Century, edited by M. Jamshidi, Wiley, New York, Chapter 18, pp. 443-481, 2009.

Obeidi, A., Kilgour, D.M., and Hipel, D.M., “Perceptual Graph Models and Graph Model System.” Proceedings of GDN2008 (Group Decision and Negotiation Meeting), organized by the INFORMS section on Group Decision and Negotiation, the EURO Working Group on Decision and Negotiation Support, and the EURO Working Group on Decision Support Systems, held in Coimbra, Portugal, June 17-20, 2008. (Extended abstract.)

Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., “Perception and Emotion in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution.” Special session on Conflict and Risk Analysis in Systems Management in Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hawaii, October 9-12, 2005, pp. 1126-1131, 2005. (Finalist in the Best Student Paper Award.)

Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., “Emotion: The Missing Ingredient in Conflict Analysis.” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Washington, D.C., Vol. 4: pp. 3322- 3329, 2003.

Hipel, K.W. and Obeidi, A., “The Battle of Water “to-who”.” Proceedings of the International Conference on ‘From Conflict to Cooperation in International Water Resources Management: Challenges and Opportunities,’ edited by S. Castelein, held November 20-22, 2002, at UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 417-430, 2002.

Pries, F., Åstebro, T., and Obeidi, A., “Economic Analysis of R&D Projects: Real Option versus NPV Valuation Revisited.” Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Winnipeg, Vol. 23, No. 2: pp. 64-68, 2002.