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ParaMESH is an intuitive and user-friendly model management tool.  ParaMESH has been used by the University of Waterloo, the IP3 Research Network, and the National Hydrology Research Centre of Environment Canada.

As a parameterization tool, ParaMESH provides the ability to track and restore parameter values, and value verification.  Its recent enhancements have allowed it to be used with any model that supports text-based input-output files.  ParaMESH has been tested with a number of black-box (standalone) models, including: CLASS, MESH, WATFLOW, and Nighthawk.

ParaMESH provides integrated optimization with an optimization toolkit, OSTRICH, to provide a number of calibration and optimization methods, including the Gauss-Marquardt-Levenberg (GML), Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE), and Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS) algorithms.

Future development will allow the seamless integration of models and informative statistical tools.

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Updated: April 11, 2011 | D. G. Princz | Top