Team Members : Saswata Gupta, Nathan Jiang, David Kang, Bill Zhu

Poseidon is a 3D human modelling solution that offers a simpler and more accessible means of creating human avatars through the use of computer vision and pattern recognition. Using a single camera, Poseidon reconstructs images and videos of an individual as a 3D model to be used in a variety of applications, including virtual and augmented reality, entertainment, teleconferencing and more.

Project image for Software Engineering Waterloo Engineering Capstone Design 2021.

Team Bery

Team Members : Ruiying Bu, Yingjie Guo, Emily Lin, Beverly Vaz

mygrocery is a mobile application designed to help users reduce their food waste by keeping track of their groceries, current inventory of food, and strategies to reduce food waste. It includes a grocery list and an inventory for all purchased groceries to help people view and manage their food. It also prompts users to write down strategies on how to not waste food that they previously wasted, as well as write reflections explaining why they ended up wasting a particular item.

Team Burrows

Team Members : Akshay Pall, Carl Shen, Shehan Suresh, Yashashvi Segu

Yada (Yet Another Docs App) is a platform that supports a novel content management paradigm for note-taking, document creation, and knowledge aggregation that allows you to treat your documents in a more structured and connected manner. Individual blocks of content within your documents can be tagged and referenced to generate multiple views of the source document that automatically update whenever the source content is changed. We see this workflow as being useful for various purposes such as studying, presentations, project planning, and more.

Project image for Software Engineering Waterloo Engineering Capstone Design 2021.


Team Members : Clive Chan, Tilman Lindig, Corbin McElhanney, Samir Rehmtulla, Nader Sabahi, Mitchell Sandre

GoSudoku aims to combat a problem that was exacerbated by COVID-19: social isolation. We believe that gaming is a social medium that was relatively unaffected by the pandemic and can therefore fill some of the void left by in-person gatherings. Our product is a real-time, online, collaborative Sudoku platform. It is ready to use in seconds, does not require a tutorial, and focuses on staying out of the user's way as they enjoy a classic puzzle in a new cooperative format.

Project image for Software Engineering Waterloo Engineering Capstone Design 2021.


Team Members : Nicholas Good, Andrew Lamb, Michael Leng, Jiayi Zhou

Introspect is a journaling app, built for iOS and web, that aims to encourage daily reflection through daily prompts, quick responses, and a timeline view that shows the user’s previous answers to prompts. Its aim is to lower the barrier of entry for beginners who want to develop this habit, as well as provide interesting insights and features to those who want to enhance their journaling experience.

Project image for Software Engineering Waterloo Engineering Capstone Design 2021.


Team Members : Jerome Alve, Sarah MacLean, John Weber

WaterlooWave aims to help alleviate the loneliness that University of Waterloo students might face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our mobile platform will allow students residing in the same region to connect with each other by hosting and participating in small activities. The goal is to create a sense of connectedness, during a time where social interaction is limited, as it plays an essential role to the emotional well-being and academic success of students.

Project image for Software Engineering Waterloo Engineering Capstone Design 2021.

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