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Faculty, Staff & Retirees Campaign

Message from Campaign Co-Chairs

When we signed on to co-chair the Faculty of Engineering faculty, staff, and retiree campaign it was because we believe in the importance of the goal – to support the Faculty of Engineering Vision 2010 Campaign.

Over the years, Engineering’s faculty and staff, both past and present, have worked extraordinarily hard and have devoted themselves to our students and research.  Through that hard work and devotion, together we built a young engineering school in to the number one undergraduate school in Canada for Engineering.

Today, we are proud to be part of a team that supports our students through not only their hard work and dedication day-to-day, but also through their financial support.  Having raised over $631,000, faculty, staff, and retirees in the Faculty of Engineering are helping our school provide graduate and undergraduate scholarships, attract quality faculty through chairs, and create much needed space through support of Engineering V and beyond.

A community can only flourish with the support of its involved and committed members.  Thank you for your investment in Vision 2010 and our students.  And thank you for all that you do for Waterloo Engineering everyday!

Savvas Chamberlain
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Chairman and Founder, DALSA Corp.

Alan Plumtree
Distinguished Professor Emeritus