Neil Mathew

MASc. Candidate, University of Waterloo

I'm a graduate student in the Waterloo Autonomous Vehicles Lab at the University of Waterloo where I work with Prof. Steven Waslander (MME) and Prof. Stephen Smith (ECE). My current research projects involve distributed control and motion coordination for mobile robot teams, but I'm broadly interested in vision, estimation, sensor fusion and distributed sensor networks.

I'm a member of the WAVE Lab, the UW Robotics Team and the NCFRN Field Robotics Network.

Research & Projects

My current research interests are in the motion planning and coordination of robot teams for long-term autonomous missions such as exploration, coverage and surveillance. Some of my main research projects have been:

When not surrounded by robots, I work on a bunch of random personal projects such as these.

I also write about science, comedy and the universe at

Where To Find Me

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering          
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
Office: E5 3018