Steven She
PhD Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Member of the Generative Software Development Lab.- Contact me at shshe gsd.uwaterloo (ca)
- or visit me at our lab located at DC2544.
- S. She.
Master's thesis. University of Waterloo, 2008.
Feature model mining. - K. Czarnecki, S. She, A. Wasowski.
SPLC 2010, Technical Paper.
Sample spaces and feature models: There and back again. - S. She, R. Lotufo, T. Berger, A. Wasowski, K. Czarnecki.
VaMoS 2010, Workshop Paper.
The Variability Model of The Linux Kernel. - R. Lotufo, S. She, T. Berger, A. Wasowski, K. Czarnecki.
SPLC 2010, Technical Paper.
Evolution of the Linux Kernel Variability Model. - T Berger, S. She, R. Lotufo, A. Wasowski, K. Czarnecki.
SPLC 2010, Poster Session.
Feature-to-Code Mapping in Two Large Product Lines. - T. Berger, S. She, R. Lotufo, A. Wasowski, K. Czarnecki.
ASE 2010, Technical Paper.
Variability Modeling in the Real: A Perspective from the Operating Systems Domain. - S. She, R. Lotufo, T. Berger, A. Wasowski, K. Czarnecki.
Accepted at ICSE 2011, Technical Paper.
Reverse Engineering Feature Models.
Nov 23, 2010Our paper, "Reverse engineering feature models," has been accepted for ICSE 2011!
April 28, 2010I've finally released the Linux Variability Modeling Tools on Google Code. This toolsuite is capable of extracting the Boolean formula from a Linux Kconfig model.
Feb 20, 2010 I've released the Java fact extractor that I wrote as part of my CS798 course project. It extracts structural facts from Java source code using the Eclipse JDT compiler into a form suitable for use with Prolog.
Jan 21, 2010 I will be presenting the paper "The Variability Model of The Linux Kernel" at this year's VaMoS workshop in Linz, Austria. Download the slides for the talk.
Aug 19, 2009 Slides for the lunch talk at IT University in Copenhagen are online. Source can be found in my BitBucket repository. Thanks to Herman Lee for providing the screenshots used in this presentation!
July 16, 2009 I've placed the slides for my guest lecture on Scala for CS446 / ECE452 / SE464 (aka SE2) online. You can download the presentation slides, or the handout.
June 1, 2009 Released a prototype of the Feature Model Calculator. This tool provides an interpreter for specifying and evaluating operations on propositional feature models.
May 26, 2009 Released the ANTLR3 grammar for specifying propositional and generalized feature models. A feature model of the Linux menuconfig interface from v2.6.28 specified using this grammar is located in the Feature Model Repository.
May 17, 2009 I have created a Google Code project for hosting the Linux Kconfig grammar. It is still under heavy development, so please report any problems in the bug tracker!
Course projects
- Fall 2008. StarCharter: Static Concept Mining from Code.
- Spring 2007. CodeLink: Using a Semantic Wiki for Code Documentation.
- Winter 2007. Retrieving Sequence Diagrams for Aspect-Oriented Systems.
Presentation slides
- Slides for the talk on "The Variability Model of The Linux Kernel" presented at VaMoS 2010. Slides.
- Lunch talk for the Software Development Group at the IT University in Copenhagen on Mining framework concepts from application code. Slides and handout.
- Guest lecture on Scala for CS446 / ECE452 / SE464 (SE2). Slides and handout.
- Reserach paper presentation at SPLC 2008 in Limerick, Ireland. Slides.
- Presentation on my fall 2008 course project, StarCharter. Slides.
Code and Software
- Linux Variability Modeling Tools, toolkit for analyzing variability in Kconfig specifications.
- Java fact extractor that extracts structural facts of Java source code into a file suitable for use with Prolog.
- Watch a (very, very early) prototype of StarCharter's slice view.
- Try the new constraint view on Feature Modeling Plug-in 0.7.0.
- An ANTLR3 grammar for Linux Kconfig files, and for basic and generalized feature models.
- The FM calculator for visualising and evaluating operations on propositional feature models.
- BitBucket mercurial repository for beamer slides and themes or my dotfiles.
I've been a Teaching Assistant for these courses...
- Fall 2007. CS445 / ECE451 / SE463: Software Requirements and Specification.
- Spring 2007. CS125: Introduction to Programming Principles.
- Fall 2006, Winter 2007, Spring 2007. CS241: Foundations of Sequential Programs.
A little bit more about me...
- Avid user of Arch Linux and KDE4.
- Watches Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, bears and beets.
Graduate Courses Taken
- Fall 2008. ECE750: Static Analysis for Software Engineering.
- Spring 2007. CS886: Natural Language Computing.
- Winter 2007. CS842: Aspect-Oriented Programming.
- Fall 2006. CS745: Software Architecture.
- Fall 2006. CS745: Software Design.